Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pranks and Beans

Recently eaten: burger with ham on top
Recent annoyance: this damned cholesterol

While my workplace expressly prohibits pranks (and horseplay and gambling, for that matter), I have been amassing a stunning list of potential pranks to play on my friend and coworker. Let's call her A. A. stands for "a likely target." The question really is not "if" but "when." The staging of this must be carefully planned:

  1. Because I am a new employee and technically still in my probationary period. I'll have to feel out how strict this no-pranking policy is
  2. Better to start with the more harmless pranks first, then move up to the tar and feathers
  3. Others might start feeling left out so I will have to alternate prank days to throw everyone off, and make everyone feel included
The Prank Institute

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