Friday, February 24, 2006

Meat, Your Maker

Recently eaten: rotini, roasted garlic marinara, turkey
Recent annoyance: having a really weird dream and then waking up before its conclusion

I like to eat meat. In the morning, mid-morning, before lunch, after lunch, during lunch, just to get to bed. The vegetarians will have you believe that I am doing something unconscionable, unthinkable, barbaric. Well, think of this way Veggies, nations and civilization were built upon unconscionable, barbaric acts, including the eating of meat of all kinds. Human existence spawned from the poo of tiny organisms eating one another. Well, I'm not sure of the scientific veracity of my claims, but the point is, I like to eat meat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't get a nickname like "Beef" with out possessing a love for the meat.