Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Green Ham, No Eggs

Recently eaten: turkey helper
Recent annoyance: wet cuffs

Those Asian scientists are at it again. First it was that whole cloning controversy. now they have created fluorescent pigs. I'm not just talking about kinda yellow looking pigs, we're talking fluorescent inside and out pigs.

Great for eating breakfast in the dark. which I do often. Now I'll always know where my breakfast meat is. Great for Jews on the Sabbath. Even if you can't turn the lights on, you'll know not to eat that glow in the dark pork. Great fore the modern child who never believed that this little piggy didn't have any roast beef. Maybe this little piggy has terrible radiation poisoning and spent the rest of his life railing against nuclear power. Great if you've lost your greased pig at night.

Boffins create fluoro pigs

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